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Product P/N Total Thickness(μm) Type Carrier 180° Peel Strength
Color DC
Adhesive Type Feature/Application
SG 8811 10 Single-Sided Polyimide Film 8 Matte Black 1.0 Acrylic 1. Designed for Lightproof and insulation applications
2.High Temperature resistance
SG 8882 22 8 Amber 1.0
SG 8812 30 10 Matte Black 1.0
SG 8813 50 10 Matte Black 2.0
SG 8814 80 18 Matte Black 4.0
SG 8815 180 25 Matte Black 7.0
SG 8819 45 10 Black 1.0
SG PT003M 30 7 Black 1.0
SG PT004M 40 8 Black 1.0
SG 8821 50 Single-Sided Acetate Cloth >12 Black 3.2 Acrylic Insulation material that can provide good temperature, solvent and age degradation resistance
SG 8822 100 >13 Black 5.5 Acrylic
SG 8823 220 >16 Black 9.0 Acrylic
SG 8830 60 Single-Sided Polyester Film >10 Yellow 3.0 Acrylic&Rubber
Excellent Electrial insulation
SG EIA0040 40 Single-Sided Aramid Paper >13 Black 4.0 Acrylic 1.Excellent electrical insulation and chemical resistance and high-temperature durability.
2. It's much softer than other insulation tape.
SG EIA0050 50 Single-Sided >13 Black 4.0
SG EIA0060 60 Single-Sided >13 Black 4.0
SG EIA0100 100 Single-Sided >15 Black 4.0
SG EIA0150 150 Single-Sided >15 Black 4.0
SG EIA0200 200 Single-Sided >15 Black 4.0
SG SNT0050 50 Single-Sided >12 White 4.0
SG SNT0100 100 Double-Sided >18 Black 4.0
SG SNT0100B 100 Double-Sided >18 Black 4.0
SG SNT0200 200 Single-Sided >12 Black 4.0
SG 8850 22 Single-Sided Polyester Film >8 Clear/Black 5.0 Acrylic Excellent adhesive strength and excellent voltage resistance performance
P1200 40-600 Single-Sided PTFE >10 Black/Greyish white/brown 10.0 Acrylic/Silicone 1. Excellent electric insulation performance and abrasion resistance.
2. High temperature resistant

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